A durable and scalable data backup !

« Backup is an essential part of the security dome and is the major tool for enabling rapid and complete recovery in the event of a major problem. Our growth is constant and so is our need for highly efficient IT solutions !

It is therefore with great demands, but in complete confidence, that we worked on this issue with Be-Taye in 2020.

Be-Taye defines and implements the cybersecurity strategy within Clim Energy, with the implementation of a security dome. Be-Taye also ensures the convergence of all Clim Energy’s IT partners and service providers.

The solution chosen is a hybrid Beemo2Beehive architecture, allowing a local backup on an encrypted Beemo server, replicated in a secure hosting site controlled by Be-Taye.

This allows us to immediately restore our site in case of need, while at the same time having a remote replication that will allow us to recover our data should our building disappear.

This solution is regularly tested internally : by regular tests and by the occasional need to find a computer document that has been accidentally deleted.

Our Beemo backup has never been held back, and for us it is a solution that is truly capable of supporting our development, particularly through its scalability. »

Rachid Benrejdal – CEO of Clim Energy

About Clim Energy – founded in 2013, the company is involved in the entire chain of competence in the deployment and maintenance of energy installations.


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