Any doubts ? Any questions ?


Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions to our different services.

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Frequently asked questions

Yes : Windows, Linux, Unix, AIX, Solaris, Mac OS X, BSD.

Yes. Thanks to the supervision console, the frequency of backups can be set as desired.

None, the “box” is autonomous ; it supports DSR and is self-managing. DSR can therefore not conflict with the customer’s I.S., nor can it burden or penalise its network.

None, the system is fully automatic.

At the speed of your network. Transmission to Beemo Technologie’s security centres is asynchronous and usually takes place at night. You can set the internet bandwidth used.

Of course and this is very important. Nevertheless, DSR, while retaining the procedures of this type of system, brings additional advantages :

– tapes only back up the machine on which they are placed; usually a server. DSR can back up all the computers in your network (servers + clients),

– the writing on the tapes is magnetic, therefore very sensitive to radiation: solar, radio, etc. DSR writes data to hard disk at several geographically different locations.

– Do you really do backups every day? Who does it ? How long does this take ? Do you systematically take the tapes outside the company ? Do you check your backups ? Do you know what is really written on the tapes ? Have you ever carried out restoration tests ? ARE YOU SURE OF YOUR BACK UP SYSTEM ? If so, how do you know ?

– Have you ever performed restorations following data loss ? Did you know that ONE IN TWO RESTORATIONS IS INOPERABLE ? DSR provides all data integrity checks at the time of backup, unlike all other backup systems on the market which only perform this check at the time of the restoration procedure. ALL FILES BACKED UP BY DSR ARE, IN FACT, INTEGRATED AND AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY.

– DSR can be seen as an additional system to the one you already have. He can take care of all the day-to-day operations of safeguarding your company and thus free you from time and worries regarding the efficiency of the procedure in progress. Many of our customers use DSR for regular daily backups, and perform a tape backup every two weeks or every month to manage the company’s history over the year.

No, the only limit is, in fact, set by the speed of the link you use to reach Beemo Technologie’s security centres; ADSL, even at 128 K produces very good results. What is transmitted to Beemo Technologie is a differential, compressed.

The machines are, by default, saved at the pre-programmed time. However, any user can initiate a manual backup at any time with a single click.

Yes, the data is automatically passed to the SOPHOS Antivirus.

Yes, all saved data is encrypted with 128-bit AES once on the box and on the storage centres. Internet transfers are done through a VPN. Only the customer holds the key to decrypt their saved files.

Yes, the customer can choose how many different versions of the same file he wishes to keep. The unlimited option allows you to keep a complete history of your files.

Yes, only the modified files are saved and only the differences are transmitted by the box to the storage centres (“delta file processing”). The storage centre reconstructs an entire file with validation by comparing electronic signatures. This process ensures the integrity of all files.

Through the DSR interface. The data is immediately available as it is stored on the customer’s box. The time required to restore files is therefore incomparable to an online restoration process.

Yes, all backup operations are accessible through the backup log. A colour code indicates anomalies. In addition, automatic feedback by e-mail to the customer is provided as soon as an operating anomaly is detected, such as a machine that has not been backed up, a virus detected, etc.

Yes, you can manage all your backups from any computer on your network that supports JAVA 1.4.

Yes, within the limits of their user profile (as opposed to the administrator who has full rights). The user can perform a manual backup and restore of his workstation only.

The firewall protects the box from attacks but does not protect your network.

It doesn’t matter. The principle of DSR is based on copying files written on the hard disk of the machine concerned. Whether or not the database is moved during a backup, the backup will include all the information on the hard disk. Those that may be in motion at that moment (in memory, in cpu processing, in transfer by communication channel, etc.) will not be taken into account. They will be saved during the next securing process. Beemo Technologie recommends to make an export of the database and to save this export. This procedure guarantees the consistency of your database.

DSR is automatically updated regularly and free of charge for the duration of the subscription. The virus signatures of the SOPHOS anti-virus are updated automatically every 3 hours.

The initial package may change during the contract period. When a customer exceeds the volume of data set at the outset, a message is sent to them and they have 30 days in which to contact their service provider and correct the situation by changing to a higher package. Otherwise it will be charged by the volume of backup used. It can also delete files and thus stay within the original volume limit.

The box is under permanent maintenance during the contract. If a failure occurs, Beemo Technologie is immediately aware of it and proceeds to the exchange within 72 hours. Beemo Technologie sends back, free of charge, within 72 hours, a new box, loaded with the saved data until the broken one is stopped. Breakdowns that occur outside of normal use of the box will result in a catalogue price charge for replacement.

The data is replicated in three different locations (box, secure storage centre 1 and 2). In order to lose all trace of the data, the customer would have to be unable to use his I.S. and his box at the same time (scenarios: theft, flooding, fire, explosion) and the first and second storage centres would have to be physically destroyed. This would be equivalent to three simultaneous physical destructions of systems at least two of which are more than 800 km apart. Beemo Technologie has an obligation of means to restore the data that have been previously saved on the secure storage centres.

All data stored by DSR is encrypted using a 128-bit AES algorithm (government experts estimate that it takes 20 years to decrypt a 128-bit AES-encrypted file with current technology). You are the ONLY one who has the key to decode your data and can recover it with integrity. Nobody, not even Beemo Technologie, is able to read them. This encryption system is registered with the Direction Centrale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information (DCSSI), a government agency attached to the Ministry of Defence. Beemo Technologie has recently received approval to upgrade its encryption system to a 256-bit algorithm.

Beemo backup servers are invisible to ransomware, so the data on your server is preserved. In case of ransomware, you only need to restore the data from the server to the infected computers once they have been “cleaned”.

Yes, of course, OneDrive backs up to your Beemo server in the same way as other backups.

Yes, with our Flash Rescue feature and its Disk Image technology.

More details here.

This is Beemo’s motto :

  • 3 backup points
  • 2 different supports
  • 1 outsourced support
  • 0 data loss

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