Our client expressed his total satisfaction

« Koesio has been a partner of Beemo Technologie for two years. Working with Beemo has enabled us to enrich our offer and to support our customers in implementing a data backup policy that is now essential for any company.

This was recently confirmed when one of our clients, an events company, had their computers stolen over the weekend. With more workstations and therefore more data, it was necessary to be able to act quickly so as not to paralyse the company’s activity for too long. Our customer went to buy the replacement equipment urgently on monday morning. We then used a remote control tool to restore the data on each new workstation. As a result, our client was able to resume business within a reasonable period of time. He was very pleased with his investment in the Beemo solution and expressed his total satisfaction.
This case of data loss is just one example, and whenever we have had to restore our customers’ data, whatever the cause, they have always praised us for giving them good advice and recommending the Beemo solution. »

Bruno Samat – Beemo Park Manager at Koesio

About Koesio – Koesio was founded in January 1993. Thanks to its director, Jérôme Temin, it is today a structurally and financially solid company, in full expansion and a major player in printing solutions and systems in the PACA region.


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