Ransomware : Protect your customers… and yourself !

Backup : sauvegarde protection ransomwares

After the massive wave of attacks in 2016, authors of ransomware and other cryptolockers have improved their targeting. They no longer seek to hit large structures with high ransom payments, but prefer to multiply their attacks on smaller and more fragile targets: SMEs and VSEs.

To learn more about the evolution of the attacks, read (and share) this article recently published on Les Echos.

It is therefore imperative to inform your customers that they are potential targets. In addition to the necessary software updates, anti-virus and anti-spam software, the backup of their data is essential. Beemo backup solutions are impervious to ransomware and are therefore the only 100% effective protection against these attacks. In order to raise awareness among your customers, we have designed a document that you can download here which outlines the risks involved in not protecting data.
This document also protects you, as it states that you can only guarantee data recovery if a Beemo solution is installed. If you do not do so, you will not be liable for any loss.

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