How do I back up cloud data on the Beemo’s ?

Backup : sauvegarde cloud

The migration of data to a cloud environment raises questions about the security and accessibility of content, which is a major concern for companies. Many customers are therefore still reluctant to entrust their Information System to a Cloud provider for fear of losing control : how is my data protected ? If my cloud provider defaults, how can I get access to my data ?

Beemo provides a solution for customers who have partially or completely switched to the cloud : the Reversible Cloud. Included free of charge in all Beemo appliances, the Reversible Cloud provides the full functionality of Data Safe Restore software to IT infrastructures in IAAS mode.

How to use this feature ?
It is sufficient to install an agent in the virtualisation environment where the company’s Information System is integrated and to create a nomadic agent activation code. The agent can then back up directly to the Beemo appliance at the customer site or to your BeeHive. If a disaster renders the cloud inaccessible, the Flash Rescue feature allows you to perform a disaster recovery of cloud servers on a corporate workstation or server.

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