Beemo expands its range of rackmount servers

Backup : Beemo enrichit sa gamme de serveurs rackables

Beemo is expanding its range of rackmount servers to meet the changing needs of its customers and enable them to continue storing their data securely. These include new, more powerful RAID cards.

The features of the new Beerack range.

While Beerack’s previous range was equipped with disk volumes ranging from 6TB to 22TB, your customers will now be able to benefit from 12TB, 24TB or even 33TB of capacity. Previously, backups were made on 2 TB disks. From now on, this will be done on 3 or 4 TB disks.

How to choose your Beemo rackable ?

If your customers are running an SME, the Beeraid Rackable is often the most appropriate choice. For larger companies, the Beerack or Beestorage may be more suitable.
If your customers’ priority is storage, the Beeraid Rackable is the way to go. If they want scalable storage, the Beestorage is the best choice. Finally, if speed of backup is your main criterion, the Beestorage or the Beerack will offer you the best performance.

Here are all the details of this enhanced range :

To take advantage of this and to make your customers benefit from it, do not hesitate to contact our sales department, which will assist you in your choice.

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