New : Setting the display of overdue backups

Backup affichage sauvegardes en retard

If you have chosen to back up your customers’ workstations, you may be bothered by the immediate display of late backups when users are on holiday, off work or sick.
You can now configure the threshold for alerting your customers of overdue backups !

In the client console, “Customisation” tab, in the “Advanced options” section, we offer you the option “Consider that backups are late from : X day(s) for desktops, X day(s) for servers”.
This feature is a global parameter that will apply to all your customers, avoiding the need to create a backup group for each of your customers.

If you have chosen a time limit of 10 days, for example, late backups will no longer be considered harmless after the 10th day for desktops and/or servers.

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