Hot backup of Hyper-V clusters

Sauvegarde à chaud des clusters Hyper-V

Microsoft introduced its virtualisation tool, Hyper-V, with Windows Server 2008. This has put easy virtualisation in the hands of a majority of VSEs. But to meet the demands for high availability of virtual machines, it was necessary to allow users to create Hyper-V clusters.

This has become possible with Windows Server 2008R2 and the concept of CSV (Cluster Shared Volume). A CSV is a storage array that is used by all nodes in a Hyper-V cluster at the same time. It is then possible to switch virtual machines from one node to another without service interruption.

With Beemo 12.11 and 12.12 firmware, Beemo Technology Backup Agents are able to hot-backup VMs stored on these Cluster Shared Volumes.

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